Empowering innovators

The Good Phone Foundation Financial Grants

At The Good Phone Foundation, our mission is to empower innovators and change-makers to create a mobile ecosystem that prioritizes people. Through our financial grants, we provide the resources needed to drive impactful and sustainable technological advancements.

Our objectives

Our financial grants are designed to support innovative projects that align with our core pillars: ethical technology, user privacy, digital well-being, and equitable working practices. We focus on encouraging the development of solutions that address current challenges within the mobile ecosystem. By doing so, we aim to empower individuals and organizations to create meaningful and lasting changes that benefit society.

Who is this grant for?

Our grants are available to startups, non-profits, research institutions, and individuals who have innovative ideas for mobile products and services. To be eligible, the proposed product or service must align with one of our key pillars: Ethical technology, Respect for user privacy, Equitable working practices, Collaboration, Digital well-being . We are particularly interested in working with open-minded founders who value achievement through collaboration.

The funds from our grants are intended to finance research, technology development, and the creation of content that promotes ethical technology and practices.

The Application Process

The application process for our grants consists of two stages. In the first stage, candidates are requested to submit a concept note. This should be a short and concise presentation of their idea or activity for which they seek a grant. Candidates who are approved in the first stage are then asked to proceed to the second stage, which involves submitting a comprehensive plan. This plan should detail the execution strategy for their idea and outline the required funds.

The decision to approve grants is based on evaluations conducted by the leadership team of The Good Phone Foundation. By supporting innovative minds, The Good Phone Foundation is committed to fostering a mobile ecosystem that values ethical practices and prioritizes the well-being of its users.





What is the amount of the financial grant paid?

The financial grants are up to 25,000 euro. Payment timeline of the grant depends on the proposed project plan by candidates. Grants are paid upon proof of made expenses.


Can I apply for a grant if I am already an existing business post-revenue?

Yes, you can still apply for the grant.


Do I get to keep IP rights and ownership of my business if I receive a grant?

Yes, you keep 100% of the intellectual property and ownership of your business.


Are there any geographical restrictions for the grant?
