Sustainability and why you should care

Ensuring a Sustainable and Responsible Smartphone Industry

Smartphones have become an essential part of our daily lives, and as a result, the demand for them is increasing rapidly. However, the production and disposal of smartphones also have significant environmental and social impacts. To address these issues, the smartphone industry must prioritize reparability in its products. In this article, we will discuss the importance of phone reparability policies and scores, their historical references, future trends, the competitive advantage for phone manufacturers that are focusing on reparability, and the importance of end users educating themselves in such matters.

Historical References

The concept of planned obsolescence has been a prevalent practice in the tech industry for decades. The practice was first identified in the 1950s when companies began designing products with a limited lifespan to encourage consumers to buy new products. The practice of planned obsolescence became more widespread in the 1990s with the introduction of electronic devices such as mobile phones and personal computers. These devices were designed to become obsolete quickly, forcing consumers to buy new devices regularly.

In 2017, the French government was one of the pioneers in the subject when it introduced a new law that required manufacturers to disclose the reparability score of their products. The reparability score provides consumers with information on how easy or difficult it is to repair a product. The policy aimed to improve the longevity and sustainability of products by encouraging manufacturers to design products that are easier to repair.

Today, the right-to-repair movement has gained momentum, with consumers demanding legal protection of the right to repair their electronic devices. Many companies are starting to take notice of this movement and are designing products that are easier to repair and include repairability scores and policies. However, there is still a long way to go before repairability is a standard feature in all electronic devices.

Future Trends

The trend toward repairability is likely to continue in the future. Consumers are becoming more aware of the environmental and social impacts of their purchases and are demanding products that are designed to last longer and can be repaired easily. Governments are also starting to take notice of the issue, and more countries are likely to introduce laws that require manufacturers to prioritize repairability in their products.

Another future trend is the growth of the circular economy. The circular economy is an economic system that aims to eliminate waste by keeping products and materials in use for as long as possible. In a circular economy, products are designed to be repaired, reused, and recycled. The growth of the circular economy is likely to drive the demand for products that are designed to be repaired and reused.

The Competitive Advantage for Phone Manufacturers

The competitive advantage of phone manufacturers that prioritize repairability cannot be overstated. By designing devices with replaceable components, manufacturers can save significant costs associated with manufacturing entirely new devices when a single component fails. This means that the manufacturer can reduce their production costs while also contributing to sustainability efforts.

Moreover, by offering repairable devices, manufacturers can appeal to a growing consumer demographic that values sustainability and the ability to repair and maintain their devices. This demographic is increasingly influential in shaping the market and industry practices and is expected to become even more so in the coming years.

Furthermore, consumers are becoming more aware of the environmental impact of their purchasing decisions. By offering repairable devices, manufacturers can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and gain a competitive edge over other manufacturers that do not prioritize repairability.

In addition to the financial and environmental benefits, manufacturers that prioritize repairability can also improve their brand image and reputation. By showing that they care about the longevity and sustainability of their products, manufacturers can build trust with their customers and create a positive brand image. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and sales.

It’s clear that the competitive advantages of prioritizing repairability cannot be ignored. By designing devices with replaceable components, manufacturers can reduce production costs, appeal to a growing demographic of environmentally conscious consumers, and improve their brand image and reputation. As such, phone manufacturers that prioritize repairability will have a significant competitive advantage in the coming years.

The Importance of End Users to Educate Themselves

As an end user, it is crucial to understand the competitive advantages of prioritizing reparability when it comes to smartphones. By choosing devices that are easy to repair, you can benefit in several ways.

Firstly, repairable devices can save you money in the long run. If a single component fails, you can simply replace that component rather than having to buy a completely new device. This can help you avoid the high costs associated with purchasing a brand new phone. In addition, repairable devices can also have a longer lifespan, which means that you can get more use out of your device before needing to replace it.

Moreover, by choosing repairable devices, you can also contribute to sustainability efforts. Repairable devices help reduce electronic waste, which is a major contributor to environmental problems. By choosing devices that are easy to repair, you can reduce your own electronic waste footprint and support the movement towards a more sustainable tech industry.

Furthermore, by advocating for repairability policies and scores, you can help drive the market towards more repairable devices. By supporting organizations and campaigns that promote repairability policies and scores, you can send a clear message to manufacturers that you value repairability and sustainability. This can incentivize manufacturers to prioritize repairability in their product designs, leading to a future market shift towards more repairable devices.

Prioritizing repairability can benefit end users in several ways. Repairable devices can save you money, contribute to sustainability efforts, and help drive the market towards more repairable devices. As such, it is important for end users to educate themselves on phone reparability and to prioritize repairability in their purchasing decisions.

Our Shared Goal

It’s clear that phone policies and scores are essential for ensuring that smartphones are designed with reparability in mind. However, end users also have a role to play in promoting reparability by educating themselves on the topic and advocating for change. Phone manufacturers as the ones supported by The Good Phone Foundation and that prioritize reparability can reduce their manufacturing costs and gain a competitive advantage by appealing to consumers who are looking for sustainable and responsible products. By working together, we can create a more sustainable and responsible smartphone industry

Equitable Working Practices in IT: Promoting Fairness and Inclusivity in the Tech Industry

The tech industry has long been criticized for its lack of diversity and unequal treatment of employees. However, there is a growing movement to promote equitable working practices in IT and create a more inclusive work environment for all. In this article, we will explore what equitable working practices are, why they are important, and what steps organizations can take to promote them.

What are Equitable Working Practices?

Equitable working practices are policies and practices that promote fairness and inclusivity in the workplace. They aim to eliminate discrimination and create equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of their race, gender, age, religion, or any other characteristic. This includes, but is not limited to, equal pay, fair promotion policies, and inclusive benefits packages.

Why are Equitable Working Practices Important in IT?

The tech industry has been criticized for its lack of diversity and unequal treatment of employees, particularly women and people of color. This not only creates an unwelcoming work environment for these groups, but it also results in a lack of fresh perspectives and ideas in the industry. Promoting equitable working practices can help to address these issues and create a more diverse, inclusive, and innovative tech industry.

Steps Organizations Can Take to Promote Equitable Working Practices

Conduct a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Audit

Conducting a DEI audit can help organizations identify areas where they need to improve their policies and practices to promote equitable working conditions. The audit can also provide valuable insights into the experiences of employees from diverse backgrounds and help organizations understand what they need to do to create a more inclusive work environment.

Implement Flexible Work Arrangements

Offering flexible work arrangements, such as flexible hours, remote work, or part-time work, can help employees to balance their work and personal lives. This is especially important for employees who are also carers, as it can allow them to continue working while also caring for family members.

Offer Clear Professional Development Opportunities

Providing professional development opportunities, such as training programs and mentorship opportunities, can help employees to grow and advance in their careers. Another solution is to create a transparent framework providing information on how people get promoted and compensated in the company, which is what Secure Group published in their wiki. This is particularly important for underrepresented groups, who may face additional biases and barriers to career progression.

Provide Equal Pay and Benefits Packages

Ensuring that employees are paid equally for the same work and have access to the same benefits is essential for promoting equitable working practices. This includes providing equal pay for men and women, as well as equal benefits for all employees, regardless of their race, gender, or any other characteristic.

Why we should do better

In conclusion, promoting equitable working practices in the IT industry is a crucial step towards creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace. According to a study by McKinsey & Company, companies in the top quartile for ethnic and racial diversity are 33% more likely to have higher-than-average financial returns. In addition, a report by the National Center for Women & Information Technology found that companies with more gender diverse tech teams have a financial performance that is 46% higher on average than companies with lower gender diversity.

These statistics highlight the importance of promoting equitable working practices in the tech industry and the potential financial benefits for organizations that do so. By working together to eliminate discrimination and provide equal opportunities for all employees, the tech industry can build a fairer, more inclusive, and more innovative future for everyone.

Kids shouldn’t have smartphones. Here’s why –

Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives, and it is not uncommon for children to own one as well. While smartphones can be a useful tool for communication, access to information, and entertainment, there are also risks associated with kids owning smartphones that parents should be aware of.

Cyberbullying and online harassment

One of the main risks of kids owning smartphones is the possibility of cyberbullying and online harassment. Cyberbullying can take many forms, such as sending threatening or harassing messages, spreading rumors or false information, or posting embarrassing photos or videos online. Children who own smartphones may be more vulnerable to these types of online behaviors, as they may be more likely to share personal information or communicate with strangers online.

Exposure to inappropriate content

Another risk of kids owning smartphones is the potential for exposure to inappropriate content. Children may accidentally or intentionally come across explicit or disturbing material while using their smartphones, which can be harmful to their development and well-being. Parents can use parental control and content filtering tools to help protect their children from inappropriate content, but it is important to also educate children about online safety and the importance of being mindful of what they view and share online.

Dependence on technology

Another concern is the potential for children to become overly dependent on their smartphones. Excessive use of smartphones can lead to a lack of face-to-face communication and social skills, as well as decreased physical activity and sleep. It is important for parents to set limits on smartphone use and encourage their children to engage in other activities, such as playing sports or spending time with friends and family.

Privacy and security

Finally, kids owning smartphones raises concerns about privacy and security. Children may not fully understand the importance of protecting their personal information or the potential consequences of sharing too much online. It is important for parents to teach their children about online privacy and security, and to help them set strong passwords and enable privacy settings on their devices.

Our Solution

While smartphones can be a useful tool for children, it is important for parents to be aware of the risks associated with kids owning smartphones and to take steps to protect their children from these risks. As Chris Kaspar says “There are hidden dangers in smartphones.Things like pornography can slip in, even for the most well-intentioned. It’s a Pandora’s Box. Even with ‘parental controls,’ young people can easily work around them due to these weaknesses at the device level. In the end, there is no simple and trustworthy solution in the market right now.”

Wisephone is different from other phones because it allows the option for complete transparency through the Family Portal. Call history, text messages, and location information are accessible at all times — ensuring parents, care givers, or accountability partners are in tune with their kids phone usage.

Why People are Changing to Dumb Phones –

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of people switching from smartphones to so-called “dumb phones,” or basic mobile phones that do not have internet access or advanced features like apps. While the switch may seem counterintuitive in a world that is increasingly reliant on technology, there are several reasons why people are making the switch.

Distraction and Mental Health

One of the primary reasons people are switching to dumb phones is to reduce distraction and improve mental health. Smartphones can be incredibly distracting, with constant notifications and a never-ending supply of content. This constant stimulation can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. By switching to a dumb phone, individuals can take a break from the constant stimulation of their smartphone and improve their mental health.

Reducing Screen Time

Another reason people are switching to dumb phones is to reduce their screen time. The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt the body’s natural sleep patterns, leading to difficulty falling asleep and poor sleep quality. By using a dumb phone, individuals can limit their screen time and potentially improve their sleep.

Practical Considerations

In addition to the mental health benefits, there are also practical considerations for switching to a dumb phone. These phones are often less expensive than smartphones, and they tend to have longer battery life because they do not have the power-hungry features that smartphones have.

The Benefits of Dumb Phones

  • Simplicity and Calm

While dumb phones may not have all the bells and whistles of a smartphone, they can provide a sense of simplicity and calm that can be hard to find in our hyper-connected world. For many people, the switch to a dumb phone has been a welcome change that has had positive impacts on their mental health and well-being.

  • Improved Focus and Productivity

By reducing distraction and screen time, individuals who switch to dumb phones may also find that they are better able to focus and be more productive. Without the constant notifications and endless scrolling of a smartphone, people may find that they are better able to concentrate and get things done.

  • Cost Savings

In addition to the mental health and productivity benefits, switching to a dumb phone can also result in cost savings. These phones are often less expensive than smartphones, and they do not require a data plan or expensive app purchases.

The Anti-Smartphone Revolution

The ubiquity of smartphones in our daily lives has had a profound impact on how we think, feel, and interact with the world. In many ways, smartphones have hacked our brains, constantly drawing our attention and vying for our time and attention. This constant stimulation can have negative effects on our mental health, contributing to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and even depression. The endless scrolling and consumption of content on our phones can also lead to social isolation and the formation of biased opinions, as we are exposed to a narrow range of viewpoints and information. As a result, an increasing number of people are turning to dumb phones as a way to take a break from the constant barrage of stimuli and simplify their lives.

If you want more information regarding this topic, check this ColdFusion’s episode.

If you want a phone that doesn’t estimulate addiction, check what our Partners have to offer.

Technology – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, with many of us using it for almost every aspect of our personal and professional lives. While technology has brought many benefits, it has also introduced some negative consequences. Here are some of the ways technology can impact our personal lives:

The Good: positive impact of technology on personal productivity and personal lives

Technology can help us stay organized and on top of our schedules, with tools like calendars, reminders, and to-do lists. It can also help us be more productive, with apps and software that allow us to work more efficiently and complete tasks faster.

In addition to its effects on productivity, technology can also help us grow and develop as individuals. With the vast amount of information available online, we can easily access new ideas and perspectives that can help us learn and expand our knowledge. Technology can also connect us with others who have similar interests and can provide support and motivation for personal growth.

The Bad: The negative impact of technology on personal relationships

One of the biggest drawbacks of technology is the way it can negatively impact our personal relationships. With the rise of social media and the constant availability of smartphones, people are spending more time than ever looking at screens instead of engaging with others face-to-face. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection, as well as problems with communication and emotional intimacy.

The Ugly: The negative impact of technology on mental health

In addition to its effect on personal relationships, technology can also have a negative impact on our mental health. The constant flow of notifications and alerts from our devices can be overwhelming and lead to feelings of anxiety and stress. The blue light from screens can also disrupt our natural sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and irritability.


In conclusion, technology has both negative and positive impacts on our personal lives. While it can lead to feelings of disconnection and stress, it can also help us stay organized and productive, as well as support personal growth and development. It’s important to develop knowledge on the best ways to use technology (check our Guides!), find the balance and use our mobile devices in a way that enhances our lives without overwhelming us.

The ethical concerns surrounding mobile devices –

We from The Good Phone Foundation know that there are several ethical concerns surrounding mobile devices and when we decide to partner with other companies, we make sure that we include the following criteria in the product roadmap:

Sourcing of materials

One of the biggest ethical concerns is the sourcing of the materials used in the production of mobile devices. Many of the minerals used in the production of smartphones, such as cobalt and coltan, are mined in conflict-affected regions. This has been linked to human rights abuses, including child labor and violence.

Environmental impact

Another ethical concern is the environmental impact of mobile device production and disposal. The production of these devices has a significant carbon footprint, and disposing of them properly can be a challenge. Many smartphones end up in landfills, where they can leach toxic chemicals into the ground and water supply.

Working conditions

In addition to these concerns, there is also the issue of the working conditions of the people who make mobile devices. Many of the factories where these devices are produced are located in developing countries, where labor standards may be lax and workers may be subject to poor working conditions.

How to be an ethical consumer when it comes to mobile devices

As ethical consumers, we can make a difference by choosing to purchase mobile devices from companies that are committed to ethical practices. Here are some ways to be an ethical consumer when it comes to mobile devices:

Choose responsible sourcing

By choosing to purchase from companies, such as our Partners, that have responsible sourcing policies, we can help ensure that the materials used in our mobile devices are not contributing to human rights abuses. We can also support companies that are working to find alternatives to these conflict minerals, such as recycled materials or those from more ethical sources.

Support sustainability

We can also support sustainability by choosing to purchase mobile devices from companies that have a commitment to reducing their environmental impact. This includes companies that are working to reduce their carbon footprint in the production of their devices, as well as those that offer responsible recycling programs.

Consider fair labor practices

In addition to these concerns, we can also consider the working conditions of the people who make our mobile devices. By choosing to purchase from companies that are committed to fair labor practices, we can help ensure that the people who make our mobile devices are treated fairly and with respect. This includes supporting companies that have implemented ethical sourcing policies.


In conclusion, being an ethical consumer when it comes to mobile devices is important for a variety of reasons and The Good Phone Foundation is truly committed to this cause . By choosing to purchase from companies that have responsible sourcing policies, a commitment to sustainability, and fair labor practices, we can help ensure that our mobile device purchases are not contributing to human rights abuses, environmental degradation, and poor working conditions.